CEMOSA, established in 1972, is an engineering consultancy and quality control company in the civil and industrial engineering sector, including transport and building services.
Its headquarters are in Malaga (Spain), and it includes 14 national offices and 12 international offices (Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru and Portugal) providing services in Europe, America and Asia.
The company comprises various business lines, including transport infrastructure engineering, geotechnical engineering, building and industrial engineering, and many more. CEMOSA has a consolidated experience as coordinator and partner in research & innovation projects funded by the EU (FP7, H2020, HE) and the Spanish Government.

Role in the project

CEMOSA will be responsible for the development of the INHERIT Hub of measures inventory for efficient, inclusive, resilient and low-emission cultural heritage and will deploy the digital twin for heritage facilities’ real-time monitoring.

Other partners of the project

INHERIT’s consortium gathers 18 partners from 13 European countries, involved in the project at various levels, covering the social, technological, and scientific layer, as well as the communication, dissemination and exploitation activities.