
Polish pilot leader (piltot 5)

Fasada is an SME established in 1992 in Poland. It is active in retrofitting and construction of new buildings, helping building owners to perform maintenance, and renovation plans and execute construction works. Fasada provides services for real estate investors, public authorities, building administrators, and individual clients. It has experience with different types of buildings: residential, office, commercial and historic. Since 2011 the company has been involved in research activities from FP7, H2020, and Horizon Europe.

Role in the project

Fasada is responsible for Pilot 5. The company also supports the development of the Assessment & Monitoring Framework, AR-VR interfaces for heritage building design, and H-BIM.

Other partners of the project

INHERIT’s consortium gathers 18 partners from 13 European countries, involved in the project at various levels, covering the social, technological, and scientific layer, as well as the communication, dissemination and exploitation activities.